New Tempo

About New Tempo

New Tempo, founded by a group of friends from Houston, Texas, was born from a simple yet powerful realization: the athletic wear market is out of sync with its customers. Shopping for athletic wear often means being pigeonholed as an extreme weight-lifter, a yoga fanatic, or an ultra-marathon runner. Seeking something beyond these rigid categories typically leads you back to the major brands. We recognize that an athletic lifestyle varies – it can range from walking your dog, to hitting a kickboxing workout, to hanging out at a bar with friends. Our goal was to source high-quality materials that are comfortable and versatile enough for all these activities. We've designed a shirt that's not only soft to the touch and stylish but also maintains its cool under any circumstance. New Tempo is here to offer a change of pace for the modern mover, creating products that are suitable for everyone, everywhere.

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