New Tempo

Privacy Policy

New Tempo Apparel Privacy Policy

1. Commitment to Privacy: At New Tempo Apparel, we deeply value your privacy. We are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information and ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience with us.

2. Collection of Information: We collect essential information to process your orders, such as your name, contact information, and shipping address. This information is strictly used to fulfill your order and provide you with our services.

3. No Excessive Data Retention: We do not retain your personal information longer than necessary. After the completion of your order, we only hold onto your information for as long as it serves the purpose of processing and delivering your order or any post order processing.

4. No Sharing with Third Parties: New Tempo Apparel does not share your personal information with third parties, except as required to process and ship your order. We may share necessary details with shipping and payment processing partners to ensure smooth fulfillment of your order.

5. Data Security: We employ robust security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

6. Cookies and Website Usage Data: We do not use cookies or similar tracking technologies on our website. You can browse and shop with the assurance that your online activities are not being monitored or recorded by us.

7. Policy Updates: Our Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed about how we protect your information.

8. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.


              I agree with the Terms & Conditions

              Demati supplies products listed on the Demati, and Demati websites, and in our stores under the following Terms and Conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions, and our Privacy and Cookie Policies carefully before using any of our websites, or ordering from us.

              The Terms and Conditions apply to your use of any Demati website and to any products you purchase from them; regardless of how you access the website, including any technologies or devices where our website is available to you at home, on the move or in store

              We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, and any updates affecting you or your purchases will be notified to you, by us in writing (via email), and on this page.

              The headings in these Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

              We recommend that you print and keep a copy of these Terms and Conditions for your future reference...
